Friday, September 12, 2008

Wonders Never Cease

Sooo much is going on this week, I don't even know where to begin. I finally finished my book - I know I've said that before but this time I think it's true.

I had certain requirements that needed to be met before I would know my writing was done and those were met this week. I needed to establish contact with a certain someone of well repute who would be willing to read my work and give it a fair theological shake. Well... far beyond any realistic expectations I had... that happened. His office called me this week and set up a lunch meeting next week to discuss my manuscript. I'm still in shock... I had expected more of a "sure, mail it to me and one of my 'underlings' will read it and tell you what I think" if any response at all! If that were the case then I felt a lot less pressure about it all. But that's not how it played out. Now I am actually going to sit down face to face with him and tell him my thoughts on God. I am overwhelmed. I need a LOT of prayer so that I can adequately express myself without feeling intimidated. I don't know why this is the way it worked out. Everything about this would suggest God's hand is at work... imagine that.

Good grief... I'm shaking while I'm trying to type.

The entirety of the time I was writing the book I kept praying that if this person was to evaluate it that God would open the door and speak to his heart, to impress upon him that what I was feeling and writing was important to the body of Christ. I hope that is indeed what has happened. Of course there's the other side of it, that maybe he thinks I'm some crazy woman and a stop must be put to my heretical insanity... ok not really... I'm just being paranoid (insert nervous giggle here).

Anyway... all that to say, please please please pray for me this next week. The meeting is on Saturday, September 20th.


Anonymous said...

[insert 'thud' as Dawn falls out of her chair]
Okay, I'm back now...God is so funny....and amazing. What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall during your lunch with "The Great One". ha ha ha

I'll be praying....

Unknown said...

Who is this? Congratulations! I had no idea things were moving along so quickly!