Thursday, October 2, 2008

Ballot Information!!!

The other day I received my 2008 State Ballot Information Booklet which informs me on the various amendments to vote on November 4th. I was not quite sure if I wanted to read through the whole thing and thought maybe I could just get the general gist by looking over the titles of the amendments. But as time wore on I was impacted with a sense of duty to actually read through the amendments and know with certainty why I would mark "yes" or "no" to a particular amendment. Boy am I glad I decided to do that.

I am writing this blog only in order to relay to those who may roll through here that you cannot accurately judge an amendment by its cover. I will give one example in particular just so you know how deceptive the names can be.

The particular legislation that got me fired up was Colorado Amendment 50 - Limited Gaming in Central City, Black Hawk, and Cripple Creek. Now by all appearances, from this name if I desired limits on gaming I would vote yes to this amendment. But this is not the case. This amendment would "allow residents of Central City, Black Hawk, and Cripple Creek to vote to extend casino hours, approve additional games, and increase the maximum single bet limit." Does that sound like limiting gaming? NO! It is definitely about 'Limited Gaming' but its trying to remove limits on gaming. There is a nice, pretty little piece in there about giving proceeds to schools but that hardly makes up for the deceptiveness of the name.

I am against gaming funding anything because it capitalizes on a vice and encourages people to succumb to such vices in the name of 'goodwill'... we're giving proceeds to schools. Whatever... anyway, I do not wish to argue the actual content of the legislation but wish to warn individuals to PLEASE read over the amendments your state is passing and KNOW what they entail, not just what they imply through their names. I am assuming this is the case for many amendments. Be AWARE people! Our future depends on it.

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