Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

And so a new year begins. Welcome to 2010! It has been five months since I last updated my blog. I wrote on the "Fullness of Time" and then, quite literally the fullness of time arrived the following month and I have been slammed ever since. Here is a brief update of the last five months.

Labor and delivery went surprisingly smooth. I felt contractions begin early afternoon on September 28th. They were very mild so at first I wasn't sure whether or not we were really in labor. They continued, narrowing down to ten minutes apart until about 8pm and then stopped for an hour. I fell asleep for that hour and then woke up again at 9pm with slightly stronger contractions. I called the midwife to inform her and she also said it sounded like false labor. She told me to take a Tylenol and hop in the bath to see if the contractions either increased or decreased. So I followed the instructions and almost immediately we were down to 5 minute contractions. I called her back when they began to feel noticeably painful and she, somewhat skeptically, said I could come in and they'd measure to see where we were but that I would probably end up back home. I agreed and off we went to the hospital at 4am on September 29th. Upon arriving they took my measurement and found out I was at 8 cm! We rushed into the delivery room and they hooked me up to vitals and then allowed me to walk around (thank God!) until it was time to push. Declan Rhys Basehore was born at 6:38 am September 29th and weighed in at 7lbs. 4oz.

Declan took off very well in the eating department, which I suppose is typical for boys and has been growing ever since. I put him on the Babywise eating schedule, which worked very well for his sister when she was born. He fell easily into the schedule and was pulling all nighters by week 10. He has his trouble periods as does any infant. If he gets a cold or congested then of course he doesn't sleep well at all but I take it all in stride. For the most part he sleeps from 8-10 hours straight each night.

My favorite time of day with him is early morning. He wakes up and eats and then is as cheerful as ever and we just sit and chat and giggle together until he falls asleep again.

Naomi will go back to school on Monday, January 4th. At that time I foresee having much more time to get back to blogging and am looking forward to being able to express all the thoughts I have been accumulating over the last several months. I miss writing!

In book news, my manuscript still remains at that stage. I have many new readers who are evaluating and providing input on the subject matter. If you would like to be one of those readers please let me know and I can get a copy of it out to you. The book is currently titled "Made In Their Image" and is a work I put together on my interpretation of the Trinity and more specifically the feminine roles of the Holy Spirit and how those dynamics function within the Trinity and are in turn a beautiful example to model ones own femininity after. I am sure at first glance that may seem like a reach but trust me when I say I have put much effort into presenting a solid case.

Well that is all the updates for now. God Bless!

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