Saturday, July 26, 2008

Masculinity of the Mind

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart (lebab), and with all your soul (nephesh), and with all your strength." - Deut 6:5.

Lebab: m. mind
Nephesh: f. soul

As most of you know, I am writing a book on femininity and the reflection of that femininity in the image of God. But this has of course spurred curiosity on my part into the masculinity of God and that reflection in man. One of the areas where we recognize masculinity in all mankind is the mind.

This threw me for a loop because there seems to be a somewhat slight sense of disdain for this concept on the part of women because they think that what is actually being said is that the mind being masculine means it has nothing to do with their femininity. Well... I wish to absolve that fear in saying this is absolutely not true. In the same way that men have a feminine side, women have a masculine side. This is internal not external meaning that within my being I can be completely abundant in Christ. My external existence is of course only feminine meaning that this feminine role of my body obviously cannot reproduce on its own. I must have the involvement of the masculine to be externally abundant (children.) But internally I reflect both the masculinity and femininity of God.

Now why exactly do we attribute masculinity to the mind and femininity to the soul? It is the role of the mind that mimics what we know of physical masculinity that creates this definition for us. The thoughts of the mind transcend the barriers of time, meaning that they can travel from the past, flow through the present and continue on into the future. They are not confined to the present. These thoughts of the mind mimic the offspring of man - his seed. The seed of man travels on in his body constantly generating anew and when resulting in fertility, carries on the name of his forefathers and bears resemblance in their future existence as his offspring. The physical functioning of masculinity in its potency can be seen reflected in the mind of an individual.

Why is the soul feminine? The soul and emotions can only be expressed in the present. What we know of femininity in the physical realm is that its power is in its presence. A woman forever carries her seed within her from the time of birth. Her fertility is existent in her and departs only when it has not resulted in offspring. When a woman procreates, she continues on housing the child in the present, even though the masculinity of the process has concluded. When the child is born the feminine again functions in the present to meet the immediate needs of a child. Her body is designed to meet the needs of the present. Man's body is not. What we know of the soul and emotions is that they can only be experienced in the present. You can think on past emotions and stir up those feelings anew but it was the thought that transcended time and brought the emotion to you. Emotions can only function in the present.

So what can we learn about the inter workings of the mind and soul? Thoughts without expression are impotent. Emotions without the penetration of the mind are chaotic. They cannot function independent of each in yielding purpose; but together they soar.

Most people do not have a problem with understanding femininity or why emotions and the soul are associated with her. But masculinity seems to be a touchy subject. May I remind you though... that if you are a woman who is easily angered by this concept but you have not bothered to think it through then you are not helping to support your position of femininity and emotion vs masculinity and mind.

Does God refer to the masculinity of the mind? He does indeed.

" The Lord your God will circumcise your hearts (lebab) and the hearts (lebab) of your descendants, so that you may love him with all your heart (lebab) and with all your soul (nephesh), and live." - Deut. 30:6

We do not circumcise femininity. Femininity is however penetrated and we learn much in the New Testament about the penetration of the soul (Heb. 4:12) and the circumcision of our minds. To circumcise femininity is to strip her functioning and pleasure from her being. This is never required by God. Femininity is meant to be expressed uninhibited but functions in the covering and protection of masculinity. If you would like to inhibit your femininity as it was created in the image of God, then by all means... circumcise yourself. As for me, I vote to start exercising the masculinity of my mind and the femininity of my soul and to truly LIVE!!!


Anonymous said...

Wow, so deep Debbie. I really like how you point out and punctuate the need that each has for the other to achieve full functioning. Great post.

Unknown said...

Are you home and on the mend? Will we see you tomorrow? You guys are in our prayers. Your mom must be taking great care of you.