Tuesday, July 15, 2008

An Open Door With the Children

Last winter our small church group "The Gathering" was awakened to the fact that less than 1/4 mile down the road from our very church, a public elementary school sat in need. Upon closer investigation we learned just how dire that need really was. Over 30% of the students in that school came from families that were in financial crisis and at times did not even have enough food for breakfast or dinner. Something moved in our hearts at hearing those statistics and a fire was lit to do something about this. We are a church longing to be "missional" and reach out to the world with God's message of salvation. What happens all too often is that we desire to see great and wondrous works that are far removed from our own backyard. Why this is, I am not sure. And so our small group of 20 began to conduct food drives for this elementary school.

The first day we showed up bearing gifts the staff was in tears at the generosity we demonstrated. The true extent of the need was seen as the pantry was shortly emptied of all we had provided. And so this became a regular event. We appealed to the hearts of our sister churches and the need was met time and time again. Later on in the school year we organized a luncheon to show the teachers how appreciative we were of their service to our children. I have never seen so much laughter and happiness and all we did was set up a nacho bar in the midst of their busy day. But it was enough.

This summer we have focused on collecting school supplies to offer to the elementary school as they begin their new school year. What I have noticed is that the hearts of people in the church are dying to give. But we always present them with such overwhelmingly large tasks to give to. We disguise it in magnificence for the Kingdom of God. But I tell you the truth, I have seen more heart felt greatness and magnificence this last year in our very own backyard than I ever saw in my 12 years on the mission field. You don't have to think big to do big things. All you have to do is meet the needs closest to home and that makes you a true missionary at heart.

It reminds we of the story in the Bible of the elderly widow - Luke 21: 1-4. What she gave was minute compared to the large gifts given by the rich. But Jesus looked at her gift and said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has put in more than all the others". We can dream of giving greatly to impact places on the other side of the world, but can you impact your immediate neighborhood? I encourage whoever happens to roll through my blog and read this to begin to search out opportunities within your church and within your neighborhood to bring Christ to them through meeting needs. You may think that the effort is too small but no effort is too small in the Kingdom of God. It is enough.

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