Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Snow is Here!

Hurray! The snow is finally here! I thought it would never come. I can't believe it held out until December. I was starting to get a little nervous. It just doesn't feel much like Christmas in Colorado without loads of snow and the possibility of getting snowed in, missed flights, etc. I was definitely feeling the Christmas spirit as far back as October but carols can only carry you so far without the snow. Anyway... I know I should blog about something more substantial but this is the highlight of my week/month/season and so.. that's it for now. Merry Christmas to all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Snow is wonderful. You don't need to say anymore about it. I will on the other hand make a comment about snow...I love how it comes down and blankets or covers everything so that no matter how ugly or dirty something is after the pure white snow falls it is all 'clean' and beautiful... hmmm.

Can't wait to see you guys next week!!!!!