Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Evolution of A Snowman

I had a personal epiphany today... and perhaps you may think this elementary but it made me giggle with glee and so I will share it.

It snowed here recently and it has not yet melted, so I am staring at the snow. And I think to myself. Self: If I gather a bucket of snow and set it aside for observation, how long do you think it will take for that bucket of snow to turn into a snowman? (Yes these are the random thoughts of silliness that occur to me on a daily basis.) Self says back to me: That's just silly... that wouldn't happen. And if it did just happen to happen then there's no telling how long that would take. It could very well take billions of years to accomplish by itself. So I say to self, self: What if I take that bucket of snow and make myself a snowman? Pfft... I have that knowledge! It would take me about an hour maybe two. (Two hours if I'm having a nit picky OCD day). Soooo... by itself, the snowman will naturally take a massive amount of time if ever to form, but if I apply even one element of outside force with the required knowledge to accomplish the task it could take an hour? Hah! So I began to think of the beginnings of man. It's not that man could not have evolved... it's simply that he didn't need to. There was an outside force with the required knowledge to form man on His own and so what, to our minds, looks like it would naturally take billions of years, in fact might have only taken a few hours. So both sides, in essence are correct. The difference is in what players are in your equation of life. I choose to maintain a view that a God outside of myself, who has the knowledge to make me, did in fact form me. And so my tiny epiphany of a snowman has taught me a little bit about God today.


Unknown said...

love it.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! Well said....or written..uh, blogged...whatever!

Anonymous said...

This was a wonderful post. What evolutionists seem to be missing is that "knowledge" piece. I don't see how in their logic evolution can work without some kind of base design to work with. That's why I acknowledge the existence of "microevolution" (for example, all the breeds of dogs "evolving" from, say, one type of wolf), but I can't understanding how things would evolve ex nihilo.