Sunday, June 1, 2008

Not Negligence

I thought I should make a quick post and just let everyone know that I am not intending to neglect my blog. I have a massive reading list to get through and I have been trying to make headway into it. I will have plenty to write about afterwards though. Here is a brief summary of the books I am currently reading through. I'll update them as a finish.

The Practice of the Presence of God - finished.

The Messianic Matrix - finished.

Surprised by Joy - Finished

The Abolition of Man

The Weight of Glory - In Progress...

And so as you can see... I'm a bit tied up at the moment but will be right back on top of things as soon as I'm through this stack.


Anonymous said...

Excellent selection of books. I recently was re-read C.S. Lewis' book "The Screwtape Letters" it is ever so profound and even more so now that I've matured in my walk a wee little bit since last I read through it.

Amanda said...

Looks like some good books. I wish I read more. I'm slowly getting into it again. Just no time. Good luck with it all and I hope to hear about the books as you finish.