Friday, June 13, 2008

Traffic Stopper!

Well, it appears that my life long aspiration to be a traffic stopper has finally come true. It was a smash success... even caused an accident. Ok... maybe it wasn't all that glamorous. I was walking this morning... and I came to the crosswalk. I stood there for a few seconds debating whether or not to push the walk signal or just pick my way across 6 lanes of traffic. I decided to be a law abiding citizen and hit the walk button instead. And so I'm standing there waiting for the signal to walk and lo and behold it is finally my turn to cross. As the walk signal flickers to give me the go ahead the first renegade car goes speeding through the red light...wonderful. Too bad he was going too fast to get a license plate number. Oh well.. I see all the cars stopped now and so I continue on with my trek across the street. Right as I get about halfway across the first 3 lanes I hear what every pedestrian fears to hear... screeching tires. I look to my left and notice all the cars still at a stop so it doesn't register right away what's going on... and then I see it. Coming up behind my first line of defense to the rest of traffic is this little pickup truck who obviously feels he is impervious to red lights and the car sitting in front of him as well. He smashes right into the car which of course propels her straight towards me. But the most shocking element of all was that I was unaware I could move that fast. I hopped off the street onto the opposite curb as the drama unfolded. After ensuring that no one wanted my information or number (which I was absolutely sure someone would want...after all... I stopped traffic!) I continued on with my walk. And so now, I can honestly say (because of course I did in fact push the little "walk" button) that I stopped traffic and caused an accident. I can now check that off of my "bucket" list.


Amanda said...

Yikes. Glad you are okay though. Scary stuff.

Unknown said...

Ha! That's a good story. Of course it's only funny because you were unharmed. I know I've never stopped traffic, not many people have I imagine :)

Tece said...

Didn't we talk a few weeks back in church about you stopping traffic on your walks? hehehe... Im really glad you are okay!

Anonymous said...

Wow... that is scary stuff. You say it so humorously. I would be peeing my pants still.